

Original Text
d' Orléans, Chalres. The English Poems of Charles of Orleans. Ed. Robert Steele and Mabel Day. London: Oxford University Press, (1940) 1970: 139
1The smylyng mouth and laughyng eyen gray
2The brestis rounde and long smal armys twayne
3The hondis smoþe þe sidis streight & playne
4yowre fetis lite what shulde y ferþer say
5Hit is my craft when ye are fer away
6To muse þeron in styntyng of my payne
7              The smylyng
8              The brestis
9So wolde y pray you gef y durste or may
10The sight to se as y haue seyne
11Forwhi þat craft me is most fayne
12And wol ben to þe howre in which y day
13              The smylyng
14              The brestis
RPO poem Editors
Ian Lancashire, assisted by Ana Berdinskikh
RPO Edition