- Black, Ayanna, ed Fiery spirits & Voices: Canadian writers of African descent. Toronto: HarperPerennialCanada, 2000. PS 8235 .B53F54 2000 New College
- Campbell, Wanda, ed Hidden rooms: early Canadian women poets. Susan Atkinson and Tanya Butler, asst. eds. London, Ont.: Canadian Poetry Press, 2000. PS 8283 .W6H54 2000
- Kaszuba, Sophia, Sian Meikle, and Ian Lancashire, eds. Canadian Poets. University of Toronto English Library, 2000-. Includes
Milton Acorn, Margaret Atwood, Margaret Avison, Earle Birney, bill bissett, Marianne Bluger, Stephanie Bolster, Roo Borson, George Bowering, Dionne Brand, Ron Charach, Lesley Choyce, Peter Christensen, Afua Cooper, Don Coles, John Robert Colombo, Lynn Crosbie, Lorna Crozier, Michael Crummey, Jeffery Donaldson, Jennifer Footman, Sky Gilbert, Susan Glickman, Maureen Harris, Elisabeth Harvor, Jan Horner, Susan Ioannou, Ellen Jaffe, Adeena Karasick, Penn Kemp, A.M. Klein, Irving Layton, Noah Leznoff, Dennis Lee, Pat Lowther, Laura Lush, Gwendolyn MacEwen, Kim Maltman, Dave Margoshes, David W. McFadden, Susan McMaster, Bruce Meyer, Anne Michaels, Kim Morrissey, Erin Mouré, Susan Musgrave, John Newlove, P.K. Page, E.J. Pratt, Robert Priest, Janis Rapoport, Wayne Scott Ray, Michael Redhill, John Reibetanz, D. C. Reid, Harold Rhenisch, Stan Rogal, Linda Rogers, Joe Rosenblatt, Jay Ruzesky, Richard Sanger, F=2E R. Scott, Peter Dale Scott, Kathy Shaidle, Kenneth Sherman, Carolyn Smart, Sandy Shreve, John Steffler, nathalie stephens, Rosemary Sullivan, Robert Sward, Rhea Tregebov, Jane Urquhart, R.M. Vaughan, Fred Wah, Tom Wayman, Natalie Wilson, Eddy Yanofsky.
- Dabydeen, Cyril, ed Another way to dance: contemporary Asian poetry from Canada and the United States. Toronto: TSAR, 1996. PS 8283 A8A67 1996
- Early Canadiana Online (ECO). Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions, 1997-.
- A peep at the Esquimaux, or, Scenes on the ice: to which is annexed, A polar pastoral: with forty coloured plates, from original designs. London: Dublin: H. R. Thomas; Westley and Tyrrell, 1825.
- Adams, Mary Electa (1823-1898). From distant shores: poems. Toronto, 1898?
- Albyn. The witch of the Westcot: a tale of Nova Scotia in three cantos and other waste leaves of literature. Halifax N. S.: J. Howe, 1831.
- Anderson, Duncan (1828-1903). Lays of Canada and other poems. Montreal: J. Lovell, 1890.
- Anderson, James (ca. 1839-ca. 1923). Sawney's letters [and Cariboo songs]. 1869?
- Baldwyn, Augusta (1821?-1884). Poems. Montreal: J. Lovell, 1859.
- Battersby, Hannah S. (d. 1887?) Home lyrics, a book of poems. Toronto: Hunter, Rose & Co. 1887.
- Blennerhassett, Margaret (1788?-1842). The widow of the rock: and other poems. Montreal, 1824?
- Blewett, Jean (1862-1934). Heart songs. Toronto: G. Morang, 1897=2E
- The Bold lads of Canada. S. l.: s. n., 1814?
- Breeze, James T. Oswald Grey, and other poems, on Canadian scenery, history, legends, genius and institutions. Belleville, Ont. 1870?
- Brownlow, Edward Burrough (1857-1895). Orpheus and other poems. Montreal: Pen and Pencil Club, 1896.
- Campbell, Wilfred (1858-1918). Lake lyrics and other poems. Saint John, N. B.: J. & A. McMillan, 1889.
- Canadian temperance rhymes. Toronto, 1842.
- Carman, Bliss (1861-1929). Ballads of Lost Haven: a book of the sea. Boston: Lamson, Wolffe, 1897.
- --. Behind the arras: a book of the unseen. Boston; New York: Lamson, Wolffe, 1895.
- --. By the Aurelian wall: and other elegies. Boston: Lamson, Wolffe, 1898.
- --. Corydon: a trilogy in commemoration of Matthew Arnold: with lyric interludes. Fredericton, N. B.: L. S. MacNutt, 1888.
- --. Low tide on Grand Pr=E9: a book of lyrics. New York: C. Webster, 1893.
- --. More songs from Vagabondia. London: Boston: Copeland and Day; E. Mathews, 1896.
- --. Songs from Vagabondia. London: Boston: E. Matthews and J. Lane, Copeland and Day, 1894.
- --. A seamark: a threnody for Robert Louis Stevenson. Boston: Copeland and Day, 1895.
- --. The vengeance of Noel Brassard: a tale of the Acadian expulsion Cambridge, Mass., 1919?
- --. A winter holiday. Boston: Small, Maynard, 1899.
- Cleaveland, Elizabeth Hannah Jocelyn (1824-1911) The poem No sect in heaven and a reply to the same in poetry. St. John, N. B.?: s. n., 1868.
- Cole, Harriet (1841-1882). Songs from the valley, or, The valley of vision: and other poems. Halifax, N. S.: s. n., 1879?
- Cowherd, Thomas. The emigrant mechanic: and other tales in verse, together with numerous songs upon Canadian subjects. Brantford, Ont.: T=2E Cowherd, 1884.
- Crawford, Isabella Valancy (1850-1887). Old spookses' pass": "Malcolm's Katie" and other poems S. l.:s. n., 1884.
- Currie, Margaret Gill, (b. 1843). Gabriel West: and other poems. Fredericton, N. B.: H. A. Cropley, 1866.
- Curzon, Sarah Anne (1833-1898). Laura Secord, the heroine of 1812: a drama: and other poems. Toronto: C. Blackett Robinson, 1887.
- Davin, Nicholas Flood (1843-1901). Eos: a prairie dream, and other poems. Ottawa: s. n., 1884?
- Doggerel, Dorothea. The federation spider web: a serio-comic, politic ode suited to the times. S. l.:s. n., 1865.
- Drummond, William Henry (1854-1907). Coburn, Frederick Simpson (1871-1960. The habitant: and other French-Canadian poems. Toronto: Musson Book Co., 1897.
- Edgar, James David (1841-1899). This Canada of ours and other poems. Toronto: Montreal: W. Briggs; C. W. Coates, 1893.
- Edgar, Pelham (1871-1948). Poems. Toronto?: s. n., 189-?
- Evans, Walter Norton (1836-1896). Cartier and Hochelaga: Maisonneuve and Ville-Marie: two historic poems of Montreal. Montreal: W. Drysdale & Co., 1895.
- Fields, Edward. Poetry, on the departure of the first Canadian contingent for South Africa. S. l.:s. n., 1899?
- Fleck, Widow. Poems on various subjects. Montreal: A. Bowman, 1835.
- Fleming, Mrs. . Ann Cuthbert) (1788-1860). A year in Canada: and other poems. Edinburgh: James Ballantyne, for Doig and Stirling, Edinburgh; and Baldwin, Cradock and Jay, London, 1816.
- Frame, Elizabeth (1820-1913). Descriptive sketches of Nova Scotia, in prose and verse. Halifax, N. S.: . & W. MacKinlay, 1864.
- Fraser, John (1820-1899). Tale of the sea, and other poems. Montreal: Dawson, 1870.
- Fulton, Sadie E. Poems. Montreal: s. n., 1890.
- Gilbert, Sophia V. Sophia Victoria) Wayside echoes: poems. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1894.
- Goldsmith, Oliver (1794-1861). The rising village, with other poems. Saint John, N. B.: J. M'Millan, 1834.
- Gordon, Hanford Lennox (1836-1920). Legends of the Northwest. St=2E Paul, Minn.: St Paul Book and Stationery Co., 1881.
- Gowan, Grandma. Poems. S. l.:s. n., 1892.
- Gunne, A. Evelyn. The spirit of the north and other poems. Toronto?: s. n., 1900.
- Harper, John Murdoch (1845-1919). Wolfe and Montcalm: "from The battle of the Plains". Toronto: Copp Clark, 1895?
- Hensley, Sophia Margaret (1866-1913). Poems. Windsor, N. S.: J. J. Anslow, 1889.
- Herbert, Sarah (1824-1844) and Herbert, Mary E. The Aeolian harp, or, Miscellaneous poems. Halifax, N. S.: E. G. Fuller, 1857.
- Herbin, John Frederic (1860-1923). Canada, and other poems. Windsor, N. S.: J. Anslow, 1891.
- Howard, Anna Kelsey. The Canadian elocutionist: designed for the use of colleges, schools and self instruction, together with a copious section in prose and poetry of pieces adapted for reading, recitation and practice. Toronto: Rose Pub. Co., 1885.
- Howe, Joseph (1804-1873). Poems and essays. Montreal: J. Lovell, 1874.
- Hunt, Anna Rebecca. In Bohemia: and other studies for poems. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1900.
- Ingelow, Jean (1820-1897). The complete poems of Jean Ingelow. Toronto: Russell Wilkinson, 1872.
- Johnson, Emily Pauline (1861-1913). In the shadows. Gouverneur, N. Y.: Adirondack, 1898?
- --. The white wampum. London: Toronto: Copp Clark, J. Lane, 1895.
- Kidd, Adam (1802-1831). The Huron chief, and other poems. Montreal?: s. n., 1830.
- Kirby, William (1817-1906). Spring; Stoney Creek. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1880.
- Knapp, M. Emma. Lyrics of the past, and other poems. Saint John, N. B. ?: s. n., 1872.
- Lacy, B. Miscellaneous poems compos'd at Newfoundland, on board His Majesty's ship the Kinsale. London: Printed for the author, 1729.
- Lampman, Archibald (1861-1899). Alcyone. Ottawa: J. Ogilvy, 1899=2E
- --. Among the millet and other poems. Ottawa: J. Durie & Son, 1888=2E
- --. Lyrics of earth. Boston: Copeland and Day, 1895.
- Leigh, E. Songs of Canada. Toronto: s. n., 1876?
- Leprohon, Mrs. Rosanna Eleanor (1829-1879; Miss R. E. Mullins). The poetical works of Mrs. Leprohon. Montreal: J. Lovell, 1881.
- Lighthall, William Douw (1857-1954). Canadian poems and lays: selections of native verse reflecting the seasons, legends and life of the Dominion. Toronto: Musson, 1894?
- --. Canadian songs and poems: voices from the forests and waters, the settlements and cities of Canada Lighthall. London: Toronto: W. Scott; W. J. Gage, 1892.
- --. Songs of the great Dominion: voices from the forests and waters, the settlements and cities of Canada. London: W. Scott, 1889.
- Liston, James Knox, (fl. 1843-1868). Poetry for the Dominion of Canada. Toronto: Adam, Stevenson, 1868.
- Machar, Agnes Maule (1837-1927). Lays of the 'True North' and other Canadian poems. London: Toronto: E. Stock; Copp, Clark, 1899.
- MacLean, Kate Seymour. The coming of the princess: and other poems. Toronto: Hunter, Rose, 1881.
- Mair, Charles (1838-1927). Dreamland and other poems. London: Montr=E9al: Dawson; S. Low, Son & Marston, 1868?
- McBride, Robert (fl. 1858-1870). The Canadian Orange minstrel for 1870: written for the purpose of keeping in remembrance the dark doings and designs of popery in this country: an antidote for Pamphile Lemay's songs, &c. . Toronto: s. n., 1870?
- --. Poems satirical & sentimental on many subjects connected with Canada: including a complete exposure of our County court and Divisional court system in several theatrical acts & dialogues, showing how the people have been, and are now victimized, all tending to prove on the part of those indicated, a complete conspiracy set up by them for the purpose of enslaving the people of this country; also a dissertation on the doings of the Canada Company's land, jobbing, and other matters. London, Ont. ?: s. n., 1869.
- McGee, Thomas D'Arcy (1825-1868). Canadian ballads and occasional verses. Toronto: Montreal: J. Lovell; W.C.F. Caverhill, 1858.
- --. The poems of Thomas D'Arcy McGee. Ed. Mrs. James Sadlier (1820-1903). London; Montreal: Boston: D. & J. Sadlier; P. H. Brady, 1869.
- McIntyre, James (1827-1906). Poems of James McIntyre. Ingersoll Ont.: Office of the Chronicle, 1889.
- McKillop, Archibald. The flood of death, or, The malt that lay in the house that Jack built. Toronto: s. n., 1875?
- --. Temperance odes and miscellaneous poems. Quebec: s. n., 1860?
- McLachlan, Alexander (1818-1896. The emigrant, and other poems. Toronto: New York: A. Fullarton, Rollo & Adam, 1861.
- --. Poems and songs. Toronto: Hunter, Rose, 1874.
- --. The poetical works of Alexander McLachlan. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1900.
- Merkley, George Earle (1865-1904?) Canadian poems by George E. Merkley. S. l.: s. n., 1893?
- Moodie, Susanna (1803-1885). Enthusiasm: and other poems. London: Smith, Elder, 1831.
- Mountain, George Jehoshaphat (1789-1863). Songs of the wilderness: being a collection of poems, written in some different parts of the territory of the Hudson's Bay Company, and in the wilds of Canada, on the route to that territory, in the spring and summer of 1844: interspersed with some illustrative notes. London: F. & J. Rivington, 1846.
- Myers-Funnell, Rozelle V. A booklet of verse. Ottawa: C. J. A. Birkett, 1897.
- The new poems of Jean Inglelow, John Greenleaf Whittier, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Toronto: Belford Bros., 1876.
- Nickerson, M. H. . Moses Hardy) (1846-1943). Carols of the coast: a collection of songs, ballads and legends, original and translated. Halifax, N. S.: s. n., 1892?
- O'Hagan, Thomas (1855-1939). A gate of flowers and other poems. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1887.
- --. In dreamland and other poems. Toronto: Williamson Book Co., 1893.
- --. Songs of the settlement and other poems. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1899.
- Parry Sound settler's son. An adventure with wolves: hunting adventures in Utopia, and other poems. Toronto: s. n., 1880?
- Pettes, J. C. Canada. Knowlton, Quebec?: s. n., 1900?
- Porter, Jane. The Christian's wedding ring: containing five letters and a series of poems. Montreal: J. Lovell, 1874.
- Prescott, Henrietta. Poems written in Newfoundland. London: Saunders and Otley, 1839.
- Raise the flag and other patriotic Canadian songs and poems. Toronto: Rose Pub. Co., 1891.
- Rand, Theodore Harding (1835-1900. At Minas Basin: and other poems. Toronto: Montreal: C. W. Coates, W. Briggs, 1897.
- --. A Treasury of Canadian verse: with brief biographical notes. Toronto: London: W. Briggs; J. M. Dent, 1900.
- Read, Jane B. Poems for young people: embracing temperance and religion. Brantford, Ont.: s. n., 1870?
- --. Poems on moral and religious subjects. Brantford, Ont.: s. n., 1872?
- Reade, John (1837-1919. Some Wabanaki songs. S. l.:s. n., 1887?
- Richardson, John (1796-1852). Tecumseh, or, The warrior of the West: a poem, in four cantos, with notes. London: R. Glynn, 1828.
- Roberts, Charles G. D. (1860-1943). The book of the native. Boston: Toronto: Lamson, Wolfe; Copp, Clark, 1896.
- --. In divers tones. Boston: E. Lothrop, ca. 1886.
- --. Later poems. S. l.: s. n., 1882?
- --. New York nocturnes and other poems. Boston; New York: Lamson, Wolffe, 1898.
- --. Orion, and other poems. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1880.
- --. Songs of the common day; and, AVE! an ode for the Shelley centenary. Montreal: Toronto: C. W. Coates, W. Briggs; 1893.
- Roberts, William Carman, and MacDonald, Elizabeth Roberts (1864-1922). Northland lyrics. Boston: Small, Maynard, 1899.
- Rodd, W. W., Mrs. Sunbeams: a collection of original poems. Charlottetown, P. E. I.: s. n., 1898?
- Russell, Gavin. Thoughts and sentiments connected with the invasion of Upper Canada: by a band of lawless and unprincipled men from the United States in November 1838: a poem. Montreal: s. n., 1839?
- Sadlier, Mrs. James (1820-1903). Purgatory: doctrinal, historical and poetical. New York: D. & J. Sadlier, ca. 1886.
- Sangster, Charles (1822-1893). Hesperus, and other poems and lyrics. Montreal: Kingston Ont.: J. Lovell; J. Creighton, 1860.
- --. Our land illustrated in art and song. Toronto: Toronto Willard Tract Depository, 1887?
- --. Our norland. Toronto : Copp, Clark, 1896?
- --. The St. Lawrence and the Saguenay: and other poems. Kingston, C. W. Ont.: New York: J. Creighton & J. Duff; Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 1856.
- Scott, Duncan Campbell (1862-1947). In the village of Viger. Boston: Copeland and Day, 1896.
- --. The magic house and other poems. London: Methuen, 1893.
- Scott, Frederick George (1861-1944). My lattice and other poems. Toronto: Montreal: W. Briggs; C. W. Coates, 1894.
- --. The soul's quest and other poems. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, 1888.
- --. The unnamed lake and other poems. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1897.
- Selections from Scottish Canadian poets: being a collection of the best poetry written by Scotsmen and their dscendants in the Dominion of Canada. Toronto: Caledonian Society of Toronto, 1900.
- Simson, Letitia F. Flowers of the year and other poems. Saint John, N. B.: s. n., 1869?
- Sir John Franklin: a prize poem. Toronto: Lovell & Gibson, 1862.
- Smith, Martin F. A book of Canadian and American poems. Hamilton, Ont.: s. n., 1863?
- Spencer, Hiram Ladd (1829-1915). A song of the years, and a memory of Acadia. Saint John, N. B.: McMillan, 1889?
- Stewart, Alexander Charles. The poetical review: a brief notice of Canadian poets and poetry. Toronto: s. n., 1896>
- Street, Alfred Billings (1811?-1881). Frontenac: a poem. London: R. Bentley, 1849.
- Weir, Arthur (1864-1902). Fleurs de lys and other poems. Montreal: E. M. Renouf, 1887.
- --. The romance of Sir Richard: sonnets and other poems. Montreal: W. Drysdale, 1890.
- --. The snowflake and other poems. Montreal: J. Lovell, 1897.
- Wetherald, Ethelwyn (1857-1940). The house of the trees and other poems. Boston; New York: Toronto: Lamson, Wolffe; W. Briggs, ca. 1895.
- --. Later Canadian poems. Toronto: Copp, Clark, 1893.
- Wilkinson, John Richardson (d. 1908). Canadian battlefields and other poems. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1899.
- Young, Thomas Frederick (d. 1940). Canada, and other poems. Toronto: s. n., 1887?
- Yule, J. C. , Mrs. (1825-1897). The names of Jesus: a poem read before the Judson Missionary Society of the Canadian Literary Institute, January 27th, 1866. S. l.: s. n., 1866?
- --. Poems of the heart and home. Toronto: Bengough, Moore, 1881.
- Forrie, Allan, Patrick O'Rourke, and Glen Sorestad, eds In the clear: a contemporary Canadian poetry anthology. Saskatoon: Thistledown Press, 1998. PS 8293 .I53 1998
- Geddes, Gary, ed. 20th-century poetry & poetics. 4th ed. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1996. PR 1225 .G37 1996 Bladen Library Scarborough College
- Gooch, Bryan N. S., and Maureen Niwa, eds. The Emergence of the muse: major Canadian poets from Crawford to Pratt=2E Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1993. PS 8291 E54 1993
- James, Charles Canniff A bibliography of Canadian poetry (English). Toronto: W. Briggs, 1899.
- Lochhead, Douglas G. A Checklist of nineteenth-century Canadian poetry in English: The Maritimes. Sackville, New Brunswick; Centre for Canadian Studies, Mount Allison University, 1987=2E Z 1377 P7L63 1987
- Locker, Robert, Jack David, and Ellen Quigley, eds. Canadian writers and their works. Poetry series. Toronto: ECW Press, 1988-1996. 12 vols. PS 8141 C37
- McQuarrie, Jane, Anne Mercer, and Gordon Ripley, eds. Index to Canadian poetry in English. Toronto: Reference, 1984. Z 1377 .P7M28 1984
- Quan, Andy, and Jim Wong-Chu, eds Swallowing clouds: an anthology of Chinese-Canadian poetry. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 1999. PS 8283 .C5S92 1999
- Stevens, Peter Modern English-Canadian poetry: a guide to information sources. Detroit: Gale, 1978. Z 1377 =2EP7S79
- Stuart, Ross, and Thomas B. Vincent. A Chronological index of locally written verse published in the newspapers and magazines of Upper and Lower Canada, Maritime Canada, and Newfoundland through 1815. Kingston: Loyal Colonies, 1979=2E Z 1377 P7S84
- Thesen, Sharon, ed The New long poem anthology. Burnaby, B.C.: Talonbooks, 2001. PS 8279 .N48 2001