Grown about by Fragrant Bushes
Grown about by Fragrant Bushes
Original Text
Poems, Hitherto Unpublished. Intro. by George S. Hellman and William P. Trent. Boston: Bibliophile Society, 1921. end .S749 A155 1921 Fisher Rare Book Library
1Grown about by fragrant bushes,
2Sunken in a winding valley,
3 Where the clear winds blow
4 And the shadows come and go,
5 And the cattle stand and low
6And the sheep bells and the linnets
7 Sing and tinkle musically.
8Between the past and the future,
9 Those two black infinities
10 Between which our brief life
11 Flashes a moment and goes out.
Publication Start Year
RPO poem Editors
Ian Lancashire
RPO Edition