A New Thanksgiving

A New Thanksgiving

Original Text
Palace-Burner: The Selected Poetry of Sarah Piatt, ed. Paula Bennett (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2001): 154.
1For war, plague, pestilence, flood, famine, fire,
2    For Christ discrowned, for false gods set on high;
3For fools, whose hands must have their hearts' desire,
4    We thank Thee –- in the darkness –- and so die.
5For shipwreck: Oh, the sob of strangling seas! –-
6    No matter. For the snake that charms the dove;
7And (is it not the bitterest of all these?)
8    We thank Thee –- in our blind faith –- even for Love.
9For breaking hearts; for all that breaks the heart;
10    For Death, the one thing after all the rest,
11We thank Thee, O our Father! Thou who art,
12    And wast, and shalt be -- knowing these are best.
Publication Notes
Thanksgiving issue, The Independent (1910).
RPO poem Editors
Ian Lancashire
RPO Edition