For more poems, see the Academy of America Poets
Demeter to Persephone
and The Poetry Foundation
A Clearing by a Stream
A Young Woman, A Tree
After the Shipwreck
Anxiety About Dying
Encountering the Dead
I Can't Speak
In Every Life
In the Dust
Matisse, Too
Message from the Sleeper at Hell's Mouth
Moth in April
Mother/Child: Coda
Nude Descending
Poem Beginning with a Line by Dickinson
Saturday Night
Single Woman Speaking
Soften and Melt
Sonnet. To Tell the Truth
Taking the Shuttle with Franz
The Blessing of the Old Woman, the Tulip, and the Dog
The Change
The Dogs at Live Oak Beach, Santa Cruz
The End of the Line
The History of America
The Leaf Pile
The Orange Cat
The Window, at the Moment of Flame
The Woman Who Ran Away
Three Men Walking, Three Brown Silhouettes
What I Want
Williams, Amy. "Alicia Ostriker". Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 120: American Poets Since World War II, Third Series. A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book. Edited by R. S. Gwynn, Lamar University. The Gale Group, 1992. pp. 239-242.
Ostriker, Alicia. Songs. New York, NY: Holt, 1969. PS3565 .S83 S6 Robarts Library.
--.Once More Out of Darkness, and Other Poems. New York, NY: Smith/Horizon Press, 1971; enlarged edition, Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Poets Cooperative, 1974.
--.A Dream of Springtime. New York, NY: Smith/Horizon Press, 1979.
--.The Mother/Child Papers. Santa Monica, CA: Momentum, 1980. PS3565 .S83 M6 2009 Robarts Library.
--.A Woman under the Surface: Poems and Prose Poems. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1982. PS3565 .S83 W6 Robarts Library.
--.The Imaginary Lover. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1986. PS3565 .S83 I5 1986 Robarts Library.
--.Green Age. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1989. PS3565 .S83 G7 1989 Robarts Library.
--.The Crack in Everything. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1996. PS3565 .S83 C7 1996X Robarts Library.
--.The Little Space: Poems Selected and New, 1968-1998. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998. PS3565 .S83 L58 1998X Robarts Library.
--.The Volcano Sequence. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2002. PS3565 .S83 V64 2002 Robarts Library.
--.No Heaven. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2005. PS3565 .S83 N6 2005 Robarts Library.