
  • O'Neill, Michael. "Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792–1822)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison. Oxford: OUP, 2004. Online ed. Ed. Lawrence Goldman. Jan. 2009.
  • Holland, Peter. "Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison. Oxford: OUP, 2004. Online ed. Ed. Lawrence Goldman. Jan. 2011.
  • Internet Shakespeare Editions. Ed. Michael Best. Victoria, British Columbia: University of Victoria, 1996-.
  • Love, Harold. "Sedley, Sir Charles, fifth baronet (bap. 1639, d. 1701)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison. Oxford: OUP, 2004. Online ed. Ed. Lawrence Goldman. Oct. 2005.

italic test

  • Zim, Rivkah. "Sackville, Thomas, first Baron Buckhurst and first earl of Dorset (c.1536–1608)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison. Oxford: OUP, 2004. Online ed. Ed. Lawrence Goldman. Oct. 2009.
  • Love, Harold. "Sackville, Charles, sixth earl of Dorset and first earl of Middlesex (1643–1706)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison. Oxford: OUP, 2004. Online ed. Ed. Lawrence Goldman. Jan. 2008.
  • Bullen, J. B. "Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828–1882)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison. Oxford: OUP, 2004.

William Roscoe was born March 8, 1753, in Liverpool. In 1774 he became an attorney and during his long life proved a great supporter of the city and its arts.

  • Stallworthy, Jon. "Rosenberg, Isaac (1890–1918)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison. Oxford: OUP, 2004.
  • Levy, Martin J. "Robinson, Mary [Perdita] (1756/1758?–1800)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison. Oxford: OUP, 2004.