Worn Out

Worn Out

Original Text
Poems and Drawings of Elizabeth Siddal, ed. Roger C. Lewis and Mark Samuels Lasner (Wolfville, N.S.: Wombat Press, 1978): 15. B-11 5641 Fisher Rare Books Library
1Thy strong arms are around me, love
2    My head is on thy breast;
3Low words of comfort come from thee
5For I am but a startled thing
6    Nor can I ever be
7Aught save a bird whose broken wing
8    Must fly away from thee.
9I cannot give to thee the love
10    I gave so long ago,
11The love that turned and struck me down
12    Amid the blinding snow.
14    And weary eyes of pain,
15A faded mouth that cannot smile
16    And may not laugh again.
17Yet keep thine arms around me, love,
19Then leave me, saying no goodbye


4] Yet: not in 1899. Back to Line
13] failing: `sinking' (1899). Back to Line
18] fall: `drop' (1899). Back to Line
20] wake: `fall" (1899). Back to Line
Publication Start Year
Publication Notes
Ruskin: Rossetti: Preraphaelitism: Papers 1854 to 1862, ed. William Michael Rossetti (London: George Allen, 1899): 156.
RPO poem Editors
Ian Lancashire
RPO Edition