The Spirit's Depths

The Spirit's Depths

Original Text
Coventry Patmore, The Angel in the House, Book I (London: J. W. Parker, 1854). PR 5142 A75 1854 Robarts Library
1Not in the crisis of events
2    Of compass'd hopes, or fears fulfill'd,
3Or acts of gravest consequence,
4    Are life's delight and depth reveal'd.
5The day of days was not the day;
6    That went before, or was postponed;
7The night Death took our lamp away
8    Was not the night on which we groan'd.
9I drew my bride, beneath the moon,
10    Across my threshold; happy hour!
11But, ah, the walk that afternoon
12    We saw the water-flags in flower!
Publication Start Year
RPO poem Editors
J. D. Robins
RPO Edition
2RP.2.556; RPO 1996-2000.