Shakespeare's Sonnets: Let those who are in favour with their stars

Shakespeare's Sonnets: Let those who are in favour with their stars

Sonnet 25

Original Text
SHAKE-SPEARES SONNETS (London: G. Eld for T. T. and sold by William Aspley, 1609): c2r.
2Of public honour and proud titles boast,
5Great princes' favorites their fair leaves spread
6But as the marigold at the sun's eye,
7And in them-selves their pride lies burièd,
8For at a frown they in their glory die.
10After a thousand victories once foil'd,
11Is from the book of honour rasèd quite,
12And all the rest forgot for which he toil'd:
13    Then happy I that love and am belovèd
14    Where I may not remove, nor be removed.


1] in favour with their stars] lucky. Back to Line
3] bars] denies. Back to Line
4] Unlook't for] unexpectedly. Back to Line
9] painful] pains-taking or -enduring. famoused] celebrated (earliest citation in 1606); made famous. worth] not rhyming with line 11, "quite." Emendation to "fight," "might," and "right" (among other words) is possibly undecidable. Back to Line
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RPO poem Editors
Ian Lancashire
RPO Edition