"The Return to Nature"
"The Return to Nature"
Histories of Modern Poetry
Original Text
Alice Meynell, The Poems of Alice Meynell (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1923): 85. PR 5021 M3A17 1923 Robarts Library
1.1IT was the south : mid-everything,1.2 Mid-land, mid-summer, noon ;
1.3And deep within a limpid spring
1.4 The mirrored sun of June.
1.5Splendour in freshness ! Ah, who stole
1.6 This sun, this fire, from heaven?
1.7He holds it shining in his soul,
1.8 Prometheus the forgiven.
2.12.2 What the wild eye of fancy sees --
2.3Similitude -- the clear, the fair
2.4 Light mystery of images.
2.5Round the blue sea I love the best
2.6 The argent foam played, slender, fleet ;
2.7I saw -- past Wordsworth and the rest --
2.8 Her natural, Greek, and silver feet.
RPO poem Editors
Ian Lancashire
RPO Edition
RPO 1996-2000.