Peace. A Study
Peace. A Study
Original Text
Charles Stuart Calverley. Fly Leaves (Cambridge: Deighton, Bell, 1890): 17-18. PR 4409 C2F5 1890 Robarts Library.
1He stood, a worn-out City clerk --
2 Who'd toil'd, and seen no holiday,
3For forty years from dawn to dark --
5He felt the salt spray on his lips;
6 Heard children's voices on the sands;
7Up the sun's path he saw the ships
8 Sail on and on to other lands;
9And laugh'd aloud. Each sight and sound
11He sat him on the beach, and bound
12 A blue bandana round his ears
13And thought how, posted near his door,
15Two bands at least, most likely more,
16 Were mingling at their own sweet will
18 He laugh'd again, and softly drew
19That Morning Herald that he'd bought
20 Forth from his breast, and read it through.
4] Caermarthern Bay: large bay off the coast of south Wales. Back to Line
10] A line from William Wordsworth's "Intimations of Immortality." Back to Line
14] Camden Hill: presumably the London suburb. Back to Line
17] Verdi: Italian opera writer (1841-1901).
Vance: Alfred Glenville Vance, a music-hall comedian (1838?-88). Back to Line
Vance: Alfred Glenville Vance, a music-hall comedian (1838?-88). Back to Line
Publication Start Year
Publication Notes
Once a Week (Nov. 24, 1866).
RPO poem Editors
Ian Lancashire
RPO Edition
RPO 1998.