MAY. [1748] III Month.

MAY. [1748] III Month.

1   Read much; the Mind, which never can be still,
2If not intent on Good, is prone to Ill.
3And where bright Thoughts, or Reas’nings just you find,
4Repose them careful in your inmost Mind.
5To deck his Chloe’s Bosom thus the Swain
6With pleasing Toil surveys th’enamel’d Plain,
7With Care selects each fragrant flow’r he meets,
8And forms one Garland of their mingled sweets.
Publication Notes
The Complete Poor Richard Almanacks, intro. Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., Vol. 2, 1748-1758 (Barre, Massachusetts: The Imprint Society, Inc., 1970): 14. PS 749 A3 1970 Robarts Library First published in 1748.
RPO poem Editors
Ian Lancashire