To John Clare
To John Clare
Original Text
Frederick Martin, The Life of John Clare (London: Macmillan, 1865). PR 4453 C628 MICR mfc
2The spring is come, and birds are building nests;
3The old cock-robin to the sty is come,
4With olive feathers and its ruddy breast;
5And the old cock, with wattles and red comb,
6Struts with the hens, and seems to like some best,
7Then crows, and looks about for little crumbs,
8Swept out by little folks an hour ago;
9The pigs sleep in the sty; the bookman comes--
10The little boy lets home-close nesting go,
11And pockets tops and taws, where daisies blow,
12To look at the new number just laid down,
13With lots of pictures, and good stories too,
14And Jack the Giant-killer's high renown.
1] This belongs to the group of poems written while Clare was confined in the Northampton County Asylum from 1842 until his death in 1864. Back to Line
Publication Start Year
RPO poem Editors
O. H. T. Rudzik
RPO Edition
3RP 2.619.