A Harvest Scene

A Harvest Scene

Original Text
Gilbert White, The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, in the County of Southampton. To Which are Added, The Naturalist's Calendar; Observations on Various Parts of Nature; and Poems, New Edn. (London: White, Cochrane, and others, 1813): 569. Facsimile edn., intro. P. G. M. Foster, The Ray Society, no. 160 (London: The Ray Society, 1993). QH 138 S4W5 1993b Gerstein Library
1Wak'd by the gentle gleamings of the morn,
3Hies cheerful hearted to the ripen'd field;
4Nor hastes alone; attendant by his side
5His faithful wife, sole partner of his cares,
6Bears on her breast the sleeping babe; behind
7With steps unequal trips her infant train:
8Thrice happy pair, in love and labour join'd! --
10Beguiling each the sultry, tedious hours:
11Around them falls in rows the sever'd corn,
12Or the shocks rise in regular array.
13But when high noon invites to short repast
14Beneath the shade of sheltering thorn they sit,
15Divide the simple meal, and drain the cask:
16The swinging cradle lulls the whimpering babe,
17Meantime; while growling round, if at the tread
18Of hasty passenger alarm'd, as of their store
19Protective, stalks the cur with bristling back,


2] provident of want: looking ahead to times of famine. Back to Line
9] ply: apply themselves to. Back to Line
20] scrip: small bag. Back to Line
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