God of Mercy, God of Grace (Psalm 67)

God of Mercy, God of Grace (Psalm 67)

Original Text
The poetical works of the Rev. H.F. Lyte, M.A., ed. John Appleyard (London: E. Stock, 1907): 256. PR 4897 L6 A17 1907 Victoria College (Emmanuel)
2Show the brightness of Thy face:
3Shine upon us, Saviour, shine,
4Fill Thy church with light Divine;
5And Thy saving health extend,
6Unto earth's remotest end.
7Let Thy people praise Thee, Lord;
8Be by all that live adored;
9Let the nations shout and sing,
10Glory to their Saviour King;
11At Thy feet their tributes pay,
12And Thy holy will obey.
13Let the people praise Thee, Lord;
14Earth shall then her fruits afford;
15God to man His blessing give,
16Man to God devoted live;
17All below, and all above,
18One in joy, and light, and love.


1] Psalm 67:1-5 (King James version) is as follows:
God be mercifull vnto vs, and blesse vs: and cause his face to shine vpon vs. Selah.
That thy way may bee knowen vpon earth, thy sauing health among all nations.
Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.
O let the nations be glad, and sing for ioy: for thou shalt iudge the people righteously; and gouerne the nations vpon earth. Selah.
Let the people praise thee, O God, let all the people praise thee.
Then shall the earth yeeld her increase; and God, euen our owne God, shall blesse vs.
God shall blesse vs; and all the ends of the earth shall feare him.
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