Dickery Dickery Dock

Dickery Dickery Dock

Original Text
Mother Goose's Melody: A facsimile reproduction of the earliest known edition, ed. W. F. Prideaux (London: A. H. Bullein, 1904): 73. DeLury Collection F, Fisher Rare Book Library. The original is Mother Goose's Melody: or, Sonnets for the Cradle (London: Francis Power, 1791).
2The mouse ran up the clock;
3The clock struck one,
4The mouse ran down,
5Dickery, dickery dock.


1] Cf. The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, ed. Iona and Peter Opie (1951; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966), no. 217, pp. 206-07. The Opies' version begins, "Hickory, dickory, dock," and the terms "dimity" and "ziccoty" start the verse elsewhere. Back to Line
Publication Start Year
Publication Notes
Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book (1744).
RPO poem Editors
Ian Lancashire
RPO Edition
RPO 1998.