Cape Cod

Cape Cod

Original Text
George Santayana, Sonnets and Other Verses (New York: Stone and Kimball, 1896): 9o-91. PS 2771 1896 Robarts Library
1The low sandy beach and the thin scrub pine,
2The wide reach of bay and the long sky line,--
3    O, I am sick for home!
4The salt, salt smell of the thick sea air,
5And the smooth round stones that the ebbtides wear,--
6    When will the good ship come?
7The wretched stumps all charred and burned,
8And the deep soft rut where the cartwheel turned,--
9    Why is the world so old?
10The lapping wave, and the broad gray sky
11Where the cawing crows and the slow gulls fly,
12    Where are the dead untold?
13The thin, slant willows by the flooded bog,
14The huge stranded hulk and the floating log,
15    Sorrow with life began!
16And among the dark pines, and along the flat shore,
17O the wind, and the wind, for evermore!
18    What will become of man?
Publication Start Year
RPO poem Editors
Ian Lancashire
RPO Edition