Beauty Sat Bathing by a Spring

Beauty Sat Bathing by a Spring

Original Text
Englands Helicon [Poems collected and edited by John Bodenham or L. N.] (London: J. R. for J. Flasket, 1600). STC 3192
2    Where fairest shades did hide her;
3The winds blew calm, the birds did sing,
4    The cool streams ran beside her.
5My wanton thoughts entic'd mine eye
6    To see what was forbidden:
7But better memory said, fie!
8    So vain desire was chidden.
9      Hey nonny, nonny, &c.
10Into a slumber then I fell,
11    When fond imagination
12Seemed to see, but could not tell
13    Her feature or her fashion.
14But even as babes in dreams do smile,
15    And sometime fall a-weeping,
16So I awak'd, as wise this while
17    As when I fell a-sleeping.
18      Hey nonny, nonny, &c.


1] This poem is signed "Shepherd Tony", but since it appeared again in a romance, Primaleon of Greece, 1619, by Munday, the poem is usually attributed to him. Back to Line
Publication Start Year
RPO poem Editors
N. J. Endicott
RPO Edition
2RP.1.235; RPO 1996-2000.