Astrophel and Stella: 9

Astrophel and Stella: 9

Original Text
The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia written by Sir Philip Sidney, Knight. Now the third time published with sundry new additions of the same author. Edinburgh: Printed by Robert Walde-graue, 1599. STC 22542.
1Queene Vertues court, which some call Stellas face;
2Prepar'd by Natures choisest furniture,
3Hath his front built of Alabaster pure;
4Gold is the couering of that stately place.
5The doore by which sometimes comes forth her Grace,
7Whose porches rich (which name of cheekes endure)
8Marble mixt red and white do enterlace.
9The windowes now through which this heau'nly guest
10Looks ouer the world, and can find nothing such,
12Of touch they are that without touch doth touch,
13Which Cupids selfe from Beauties mind did draw:
14Of touch they are, and poore I am their straw.


6] Red Porphyre: porphyry, a polished, hard, red-tinted stone Back to Line
11] terminal comma added Back to Line
Publication Start Year
RPO poem Editors
Marc R. Plamondon
RPO Edition