Astrophel and Stella: 59
Astrophel and Stella: 59
Original Text
The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia written by Sir Philip Sidney, Knight. Now the third time published with sundry new additions of the same author. Edinburgh: Printed by Robert Walde-graue, 1599. STC 22542.
1Deare, why make you more of a dog then me?
2If he do loue, I burne, I burne in loue:
3If he waite wel, I neuer thence would moue:
4If he be faire, yet but a dog can be.
5Litle he is, so little worth is he;
6He barks, my songs thine owne voyce oft doth proue;
7Bid'n perhaps he fetcheth thee a gloue,
8But I vnbid, fetch euen my soule to thee,
10That lap doth lap, nay lets in spite of spite,
11This sowre-breath'd mate tast of those sugred lips.
12Alas, if you graunt onely such delight
13To witlesse things, then Loue, I hope (since wit
Publication Start Year
RPO poem Editors
Marc R. Plamondon
RPO Edition