Astrophel and Stella: 40

Astrophel and Stella: 40

Original Text
The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia written by Sir Philip Sidney, Knight. Now the third time published with sundry new additions of the same author. Edinburgh: Printed by Robert Walde-graue, 1599. STC 22542.
1As good to write as for to lie and grone,
2O Stella deare, how much thy power hath wrought,
3That hast my mind, none of the basest, brought
5Alas, if from the height of Vertues throne,
6Thou canst vouchsafe the influence of a thought
7Vpon a wretch, that long thy grace hath sought;
8Weigh then how I by thee am ouerthrowne.
9And then, think thus although thy beautie be
10Made manifest by such a victorie,
11Yet noblest Conquerours do wreckes auoid.
12Since then thou hast so farre subdued me,
13That in my heart I offer still to thee,


4] stept course: a steeped course, one that has been immersed (in this case) in sleep or rest or Stella’s beauty Back to Line
14] thy Temple: Stella’s temple is Astrophel’s heart Back to Line
Publication Start Year
RPO poem Editors
Marc R. Plamondon
RPO Edition