Adam Lay Ibounden

Adam Lay Ibounden

Original Text
British Library Sloane MS. 2593. Text from Early English Lyrics, Amorous, Divine, Moral and Trivial, ed. E. K. Chambers and F. Sidgwick (London: A. H. Bullen, 1907), p. 102. PR 1203 C6 Robarts Library.
2Bounden in a bond.
3Four thousand winter
4Thoght he not too long.
5And all was for an appil,
6And appil that he tok,
7As clerkes finden
8Wreten in here book.
9Ne hadde the appil take ben,
10The appil taken ben,
13Blessed be the time
14That appil take was,
16Deo gracias.


1] ibounden: enchained (past participle). Back to Line
11] our lady: the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. Back to Line
12] a: have. Back to Line
15] On account of that we are able to sing / Thanks be to God. Back to Line
Publication Notes
15th century.
RPO poem Editors
Ian Lancashire
RPO Edition
RPO 1998.