Shakespeare's Sonnets: Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore

Shakespeare's Sonnets: Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore

Sonnet 60

3Each changing place with that which goes before,
6Crawls to maturity, wherewith being crown'd,
8And time that gave doth now his gift confound.
10And delves the parallels in beauty's brow,
12And nothing stands but for his scythe to mow.
14    Praising thy worth, despite his cruel hand.


1] towards] apparently monosyllabic. pebbled] pibled Q. Lines 1-4 are sometimes thought to imitate Ovid's Metamorphoses, XV: 180-84. Back to Line
2] minutes] Sonnet no. 60 refers here to a quantity of time measured in 60s. Back to Line
4] sequent] successive. contend] fight. Back to Line
5] main] broad expanse (like the sea). Back to Line
7] Crookèd] deformed. Back to Line
9] transfix] impale. flourish] bloom. Back to Line
11] of nature's truth] created by nature when it is most faithful to itself. Back to Line
13] times in hope] hoped-for, future times. Back to Line
Publication Start Year
Publication Notes
SHAKE-SPEARES SONNETS (London: G. Eld for T. T. and sold by William Aspley, 1609): e1r-e1v.
RPO poem Editors
Ian Lancashire
RPO Edition