Representative Poetry Online

Random Poem of the Day

2That brauely maskt, their fancies may be told:
3Or Pindars Apes, flaunt they in phrases fine,
5Or else let them in statelie glorie shine,
6Ennobling new found Tropes with problemes old:
7Or with strange similies enrich each line,
8Of hearbes or beastes, which Inde or Afrike hold.
9For me, in sooth, no Muse but one I know:
10Phrases and Problemes from my reach do grow,
12How then? euen thus: in Stellas face I reed,
13What Loue and Beautie be, then all my deed
14But Copying is, what in her Nature writes.


1] Sisters Nine: the Muses of ancient Greece Back to Line
4] “powers” changed to “flowers” Back to Line
11] terminal period added Back to Line